Baird & Warner

Baird & Warner is a major real estate company based in Chicago, Illinois.


Baird & Warner employs over 1,600 professional sales associates and operates out of over 22 local offices.


Founded in 1855, Baird & Warner is the largest independent real estate broker in Illinois and the oldest in the country. Baird & Warner celebrated its 150th anniversary on March 28th, 2005. On the 31st of January, 2005, Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley issued a proclamation that March 28th would be known as Baird & Warner Day in Chicago. He urged all Chicagoans to be cognizant of the events planned for that day. “In 1959, John Baird accepted the presidency of the Metropolitan Housing and Planning Council, a 25-year-old nonpartisan group of civic-minded leaders determined to push for improved housing and transportation.” In the early 1960’s, John Baird used that position to push for civil rights legislation that would outlaw racial discrimination by real estate agents. Up until that time it was a white real estate agent’s unwritten job in Chicago to discourage social rehabilitation and the assimilation of the white and non-white immigrant population. [1]


  1. ^ Baird & Warner Story